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Courtesy Vehicle Patrol

Good Guard Security Company has an objective for clients to deliver a high-quality courtesy patrol service to help maintain the standard of life established by your community's guidelines.



Good Guard Security Company has an objective for clients to deliver a high-quality courtesy patrol service to help maintain the standard of life established by your community's guidelines. We will always be honest and truthful in all of our transactions with every Good Guard Security client and employee. Long-term goals include professionalism, quality, and client happiness.

Security patrols are a vital element in keeping neighborhoods safe. Good Guard Security provides a courtesy vehicle patrol service, which is staffed by four private security guards and four professional security officers who undertake random patrol checks. Our security guards are authorized to investigate suspicious activity, safeguard property, and deter crime.

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What We Offer

The name Courtesy Vehicle Patrol Specialists has associated with this relatively new concept of "Problem Identifying Patrolling." Give us a call today! We would be happy to share our concepts with you and see how they can be a benefit to your clients.

We serve as a link between law enforcement and private security.

Targeted patrol and guard services

Effective patrol and standing guard practices

Engagement in collaboration with your community managers and neighborhood watch groups

We Are

Professionals: with greater exposure and attention to detail.

Proactive: dedicated to detecting and preventing problems before they become a problem.

Professional well-groomed, uniformed officers in a highly visible, marked patrol vehicle.

Honest: accept responsibility for our responsibilities and commitments.

24/7 Vehicle Security Patrols safeguard you in several ways


24/7 Vehicle Security Patrols safeguard you in several ways:

Good Guard Security commitment to serving our clients is rooted in years of professional experience and a common-sense approach to being fair, courteous, and informative. Our existence is built on our integrity and ethical values. If you are looking for a new security vendor, please contact us; we are ready to submit quotations and attend board meetings! Our costs are competitive, and we guarantee our service meets your expectations. Good Guard Vehicle Patrol Protection Michigan recognizes and resolves problems before they occur.


Our officers patrol on foot, on bicycles, or in vehicles, we have a constant presence and are trained to notice anything out of the ordinary.

Promotes a safe working environment

Deters vandalism, theft, and trespassers

Quick response to emergencies

Detecting emergencies and fires

Vehicle Patrol

Visible rounds in a marked car

Parking lots patrolling property

Driving the property in random patterns

Community monitoring programs

Foot Patrol Services

Making a set number of visits every day

Checking the whole property

Illegally parked vehicles

Bike Patrol Services

Checking of windows, doors, locks, vehicles, loading docks and

Riding around the property in sections that are inaccessible to the public

Good Guard Courtesy Break-ins, vandalism, and other crimes against your property, workers, residents, and visitors will be significantly reduced by vehicle patrol services in Michigan. We at Good Guard Security are dedicated to bridging the gap between law enforcement and security services in your neighborhood by offering targeted patrols.

Our Clients

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